O-boy @ 4 years 2 months
these photos are of him taken last Sunday
hehehe ... we (me & him) call it our un-official Sunday School
this is roughly our Sunday morning itenary -
morning milk
laze in bed a couple more mins
look for the work books
search for his pencil case (yes, he has one filled with pencils, Ikea markers and an eraser)
coaxing O-boy to sit at the dining table takes considerable mins
lessons begin ...
he practices his alphabets
after 15 mins (insert loads of bargaining, whining & some tears - not necessarily from O-boy)
he completes some sheets
he runs off to go watch some PHD - completes a show
tv is switched off
back to the dining table
for more writing lessons
as you can see in the photo i used for the LO above ...
he has a nice pencil grip
his alphabets are coming along as well
he has no problems with upper case letters
lower case is a different story altogether ...
letters like b,d,p,n,u confuses him at times
he loves doing numbers too
loves doing puzzles
lessons alternate between TV and writing
that's the only way teacher-momma can get him
to concentrate ....
ofcourse there's recess time ...
O-boy's menu : peanut butter sandwich, muruku, yogurt, cold water, biscuits.
he also loves writing his name on a little notepad
then tearing out the page and slipping the note to me
like little love notes *heart*
that's Sunday School for us ...
xox, N